
As we well know, seeing a psychologist is still a cultural taboo. Many people are reluctant to see a psychologist and expect such a consultation to be an intimidating, embarrassing, and unpleasant experience.
In reality, the psychologist is trained to facilitate our need for self-knowledge, understanding, compassion, and positioning in relation to the problems we face. Life sometimes subjects us to extraordinary trials that we are not psychologically prepared to handle on our own. Apart from the practical difficulties of a situation, we take on feelings of fear, anxiety, irritability or, on the contrary, we give in to apathy and we passively wait for things to fix themselves. Left unresolved, the problems may get worse and complicate our marriage and family life, our career, interpersonal relationships, self-confidence etc.
The infertility rate has risen in recent years and the couples who decide to approach an infertility clinic often present after repeated failed attempts, possibly disappointed or seeking hope in anyone and anything. In these circumstances, the psychologist can meet and help mitigate such challenges.
The provision of psychological support is essential throughout the process of diagnosing infertility problems. The patients dealing with infertility must lean and rely on each other instead of blaming each other. While emotions may become very intense and may change from one day to another, finding the necessary strength to go through this experience together and to not give up makes all the difference. It is equally important for the family to support the couple and help them overcome any situation, especially that in which the couple wants very much to have a baby.
Often, infertile couples see a psychologist because infertility counselling makes it much easier to get through the process.