
The Leica inverted microscope and the Narishige micromanipulator make up a complex system used for micromanipulation procedures such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI), assisted hatching, embryo biopsy, as well as for the assessment of pronuclear and embryo morphology.
The Narishige micromanipulator is made of a pair of positioning handles and micromanipulation joysticks with which the embryologist performs extremely fine movements in order to manipulate the gametes and embryos during injection and biopsy procedures.
The embryology laboratory is equipped with a LYKOS® Hamilton Thorne laser®integrated in the inverted microscope micromanipulation system. This type of laser is used in assisted hatching and embryo biopsy procedures.
Time-lapse imaging system EmbryoScope™
The transfer of a single embryo is an increasingly common practice in assisted human reproduction (AHR) centres in order to avoid multiple pregnancies. This is why selecting embryos with high implantation potential is one of the most important steps in assisted reproduction. Various embryo assessment methods have been suggested for the identification of the embryos with the highest successful implantation chances.
Time-lapse imaging systems allow the continuous monitoring of embryos by providing high resolution pictures at predetermined intervals, as well as tools for detailed annotation. These enable the embryologist to select the best embryos for transfer and freezing.
Real-time embryo visualisation technology makes it possible to notice features and events which may otherwise go unnoticed by traditional imaging and evaluation methods (which provide data only once a day), such as the presence of multiple nuclei, cellular division times and abnormal division patterns.

Abbott m2000rt
The Abbott m2000rt RealTime System is an instrument platform which provides an accurate, real-time assessment of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Real-time PCR measures the amplification of the reaction as it unfolds, cycle by cycle.
MagCore® Plus II
MagCore® Plus II is an automated extractor for the fast purification of nucleic acids from almost all types of molecular diagnostic samples.

BIO-RAD CFX96 Touch™
The Bio-Rad CFX96 is a five-target detection system with a high-performance thermal cycler. Real-time CFX96 PCR makes it quick and easy to scan gene expression and monitor amplification in real time.