0751 263 263 - Origyn Fertility Center
0756 379 565 - Origyn Medical Center



Covid - 19 Testing

Type of servicePrices
Real Time PCR testing200 RON

Infertility Diagnosis

Type of servicePricesObservations
Infertility diagnosis PACKAGE500 RONInclude evaluare dosar (discuție infertilitate), stabilire plan tratament plus ecografie evaluare gineco)
Initial infertility consultation250 RON
Psychological assessment of the couple200 RON
The semen analysis test including the MAR test150 RON
Semen culture test110 RON
Semen analysis test processed for diagnostic purposes350 RON
HyCoSy - hysterosalpingo contrast sonography with 4D assessment of fallopian tube patency800 RON
Infertility ultrasound with 4D assessment of the uterine cavity200 RON

Infertility Treatments


Type of servicePricesObservations
With semen from the partner1.600 RONInclude prepararea spermei;
With semen from a donor3.500 RONSe adaugă costurile legate de importul probei din Danemarca (probă, transport, costuri transfer manipulare si consumabile specifice, TVA)


Type of servicePricesObservations
ICSI* full PACKAGE (OPU, ICSI, day 3/day 5 embryo culture) *ICSI - intracytoplasmic sperm injection11.000 RON
IMSI* full PACKAGE (OPU, IMSI, day 3/day 5 embryo culture) *IMSI - intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection11.000 RON
PACHET „Freeze all” ICSI (OPU, FIV/ICSI, cultură embrioni z3/z5, vitrificare embrioni intre 1-4 embrioni)13.000 RON
PACHET „Freeze all” IMSI (OPU, FIV/ICSI, cultură embrioni z3/z5, vitrificare embrioni intre 1-4 embrioni)13.000 RON
ET (day 3/day 5 embryo transfer)4.000 RON
FET (frozen embryo thawing and assessment, frozen-thawed embryo transfer)4.000 RON
Ecografie monitorizare foliculi120 RON
Anestezie generala500 RON


Type of servicePrices
Drilling without oocyte extraction2.500 RON
Drilling of oocytes for freezing2.500 RON
Failed or abnormal fertilisation4.000 RON

Natural Cycle IVF

Remarks: provided menstrual cycles are regular and the ovarian reserve is adequate

Type of servicePrices
Natural cycle IVF PACKAGE (OPU, FIV/ICSI, day 3/day 5 embryo culture)4500 RON
Natural cycle or natural modified cycle IVF PACKAGE 3 procedures13.000 RON


Type of servicePricesObservations
PACHET congelare embrioni (include stocare gratuită în primele 12 luni)*2.000 RONno. of embryos ≤ 4 (embryo vitrification and storage for 12 months)
PACHET congelare embrioni (include stocare gratuită în primele 12 luni)*2.400 RONno. of embryos > 4 (embryo vitrification and storage for 12 months)
PACHET congelare embrioni (include stocare gratuită în primele 12 luni)*2.800 RONnr. embrioni >10(vitrificare și stocare embrioni 12 luni)
Oocyte freezing PACKAGE (includes free storage for the first 12 months)*2.000 RONno. of oocytes ≤ 8 (oocyte freezing and storage for 12 months)
Oocyte freezing PACKAGE (includes free storage for the first 12 months)*2.400 RONno. of oocytes > 8 (oocyte freezing and storage for 12 months)
Oocyte freezing PACKAGE (includes free storage for the first 12 months)*2.800 RONnr. ovocite > 10 (congelare și stocare ovocite 12 luni)
Sperm freezing PACKAGE (includes free storage for the first 12 months)*1.000 RONsperm freezing and free storage for 12 months
Annual storage fees for embryos/oocytes1.000 RONannual fee after the first year
Annual sperm storage fee1.000 RONannual fee after the first year
Thawing and assessment of embryos/oocytes500 RON
Recongelare embrioni1000 RONîntre 1-4 embrioni
Recongelare embrioni1400 RON> 4- inclusiv 10 embrioni
Puncție testiculară (Recoltarea chirurgicală a spermatozoizilor)3.800 RON

* These fees refer to the freezing and storage of biological material in the first 12 months, but they do not include the costs of the medical procedures required for obtaining the respective biological material (oocytes, semen, embryo).

Additional Procedures

Type of servicePricesObservations
ICSI/IMSI + Cultivarea extinsă a embrionilor la blastocist (embrion în ziua 5-a)5.000 RON
Assisted Hatching (assisted embryo hatching)500 RON
Video-monitored embryo culture with the EmbryoScope® time-lapse system2.000 RON
PGT-M (PGD) – Diagnostic genetic preimplantare (cost personalizat per cuplu)
Cariotip molecular (per pacient)2.550 RONpret/ per pacient
PGT-A (PGS) - Preimplantation genetic screening (price/embryo)2.450 RONno. of embryos ≤ 5
PGT-A (PGS) - Preimplantation genetic screening (price/embryo)2.250 RONno. of embryos > 5
Embryo biopsy (for genetic testing)480 RONpret per embrion
Oocyte Activation500 RON
ERA test4.500 RON
EMMA test3.800 RON
ALICE test2.600 RON
Full test package (ERA, EMMA, ALICE)6.200 RON
Test prenatal ONE NIPT2.500 RON
DNA fragmentation test (HALOSPERM)600 RON
Taxa transfer manipulare si consumabile specifice (ovocite)1000 RONcosturi pentru manipulare si consumabile specifice dupa ce ovocitele donate au ajuns in clinica Origyn.

Pregnancy Monitoring

Type of servicePrices
Ecografie sarcină trim I si II200 RON
Double test ultrasound300 RON
Ecografie dublu test sarcina gemelara600 RON
Triple test ultrasound300 RON
Ecografie sarcină trimestru III350 RON
Ecografie sarcina gemelara trim I-II300 RON
Ecografie sarcina gemelara trim III500 RON
Foetal morphology during weeks 21-24 of pregnancy750 RON
Foetal morphology during weeks 31-33 of pregnancy500 RON
Morfologie fetală gemelara1200 RON
Amniocenteza1350 RON

Surgical Interventions

Type of servicePrices
Endometriosis consultation400 RON
Transvaginal ultrasound-guided ovarian drilling (ovarian cyst)700 RON
Polypectomy (surgical removal of cervical polyps)450 RON
Cone biopsy (includes pathological anatomy analysis)750 RON
Curettage in case of arrested pregnancy (does not include pathological anatomy analysis)1.200 RON


Type of servicePrices
DIAGNOSTICĂ- cu anestezie3.000 RON
DIAGNOSTICĂ – fără anestezie1.500 RON


Type of servicePrices
Diagnostic6.500 RON
Operative8.000 RON

Gynecology Consultation

Type of servicePrices
Consultation200 RON
Assessment ultrasound250 RON
Testul Papanicolau lama/mediu lichid55 RON sau 110 RON
Montare sterilet300 RON
Extragere sterilet100 RON
Genotipare HPV E6/E7 sau genotipare HPV L1/L2350 RON sau 500 RON
Rezoltare BTS- boli cu transmitere sexuala300 RON
Recoltare FCB- secretie vaginala simpla60 RON
Recoltare FCB- secretie vaginala completa100 RON
Recoltare Mycoplasma+ureaplasma100 RON
Recoltare Antigen Chlamydia130 RON

Cardiology Consultation

Type of servicePrices
Pachet consultație initială+ECG+ecocardiografie350 LEI
Consult initial + ECG200 LEI
Follow up consultation100 LEI
Echocardiography180 LEI
Montare Holter de tensiune (ABPM) +interpretare100 LEI
Montare Holter ECG + interpretare150 LEI
The ankle brachial pressure index test150 LEI

Urology Consultation

Type of servicePrices
Urological consultation200 RON
Ultrasound200 RON
Ecografie + consult350 RON

Endocrinology Consultation

Type of servicePrices
Consultation200 RON
Thyroid ultrasound200 RON
PACKAGE consultation + ultrasound330 RON
Follow up130 RON

Neurosurgery Consultation

Type of servicePrices
Consultation0 LEI
Consultation0 LEI

Nutrition Consultations

Tip serviciuPrices
Assessment consultation200 LEI
Follow up consultation100 LEI

Psychological Consultations

Tip serviciuPrices
Psychological assessment of the couple200 LEI
Psychological counselling for individual adult patients200 LEI
Psychological counselling for couples200 LEI

Payment methods